Dreamers: DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Social Media Guide

Communication: Yes, And...

Most Americans agree that there should be a legal path toward getting right with the law. Someone brought here as a six year old should not have their life chewed up by politicians. Most Americans agree that executive orders are not the right way to deal with kids who grew up in America and aren't citizens.

Communication: Shared Action

The last step of Nonviolent Communication is a request: a wide variety of people from left to right agree that kids who grew up in the US should be provided a legal path to citizenship. Ask Republicans to help you write a letter to congress to get the Dreamer Act passed, quickly.

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Are you pissed?! But not directly impacted? Your personal anger is helpful; echo first-person stories that make your point more clearly than you could.


Find conservatives or others who agree with your position, but are likely to be heard by your audience. For DACA, a wide variety of people agree!
Immigration Quotes from U.S. Veterans
“These kids don’t -- for the most part, don’t know any other home than the United States,” —Paul Ryan

McCain has a good quote... seeking source.

Senators Graham and Durbin introduced a bipartisan Dream Act. Watch clips from their press conference, in which Graham calls on President Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress to treat the Dream Act population fairly.


Pentagon: Trump Order to End DACA Raises Issues for Military

Progressive Frame and Position

Liberals and conservatives agree that Congress should have determined the fate of children who grew up in America as Americans, not left it to the president. These kids are completely innocent, and Chump has said "-- quote about not hurting innocent people --" but his actions have made them fear that they will be thrown out of the country they grew up in to foreign lands they don't know.

Additional Resources

For a broad intro to immigration and DACA, perhaps The Sanders Institute: Immigration intro. This is not particularly well-framed for sharing with conservatives.