Radical Conversation Cycle - Questions

rough draft. Might want a different style for something as broad as questions, perhaps without the tree

Ask a question to get the ball rolling. For a personal histories question, your stories and "I-statements" might let you express your point of view without arguing — my grandparents were refugees, I am proud to be a citizen of a country that let them in, I remember them when I see refugees today. I feel that way — you don't have to feel that way, no need to argue. Other questions are best just left open.

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Experiment: Radical Civility Cycle
Questions for Conversations

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Click to copy text ready to paste into Facebook. Edit as you like. We recommend you post to two audiences: everyone gets the first post. Then think through who already agrees on politics, and might like our framing advice: maybe a group of your friends? Your Indivisible chapter? Paste to them from the last clipboard.

More Questions...

Ask real questions, not leading questions. These questions might evoke conservatives to remember their values, without hammering home that Trump is violating conservative principles — ideally you can ask where multiple conservatives might hear and have a discussion with more than one answer.

If the President wants to spend money...
When the government wants to take land from a landowner under eminent domain...
Communication tip: Ask, don't argue!
Audience: anyone willing to slow down and talk!
Goal: make personal connections, let people feel heard before you ask to be heard.
Team identity — be on the same team, talk to each other.
In-Group: be on the same team, talk to each other.
Let people find their own points of exit.