Suggestions for Students on Immigration

Do you find talking politics difficult and rarely productive? Don't skip the easy wins!

If you have high school or college students in your life, they might have research and writing assignments — perhaps they find those assignments boring and don't know what to write about.

Try suggesting that they write about America and Central America.

We suggest that you don't make this complicated, and don't add your opinion. They're going to learn what they learn: "If you have to write a paper for school, I'd be curious if you wrote about the history of a Central American country that the refugees are coming from."

Suggestions for Students

Who are you sharing with?

This is specific for students. Liberal or conservative doesn't matter — studying Nicaragua or El Salvador's history might well shake up a conservative's worldview.
Share in person if possible.
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Communication tip: stay out of the way! Let them learn for themselves, don't give conclusions.
Audience: Students
Goal: facts work when you're not on a team, when you find them for yourself.
Team identity — keep political teams out of the way.