Watch a Movie
Another of our easy suggestions:
Does the conservative in your life like action-comedies? Where Tom Cruise is actually decent again? When you share facts within politics, people often resist. Outside politics, you can set a frame that will make future political conversations more reality-based.
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Communication tip: Facts and frames don't require politics or arguments.
Audience: Friends or family where you can watch a movie but not quite talk politics.
Goal: Share basic history about why the refugees are coming here, and the US role in destabilizing Central America, without trying to really convince people today.
Frames: Central America is a place where the US has interfered, we've made a mess. Future conversations can then argue we should clean our mess up.
Team identity — keep it out!
Values: One thing at a time, the movie is history/facts. Keep values out.
Exit: Not right now, step by step.