Here is an effort to integrate a lot of the ideas on being effective on social media into a short video and poster (later maybe a javascript tool) and "should you post it?" flowchart. This is just a first draft, would love love love to have co-creators. Also, feedback - please tell me what sucks, before I waste more time! What should be changed? How should this be formatted?
If you think this is worthwhile, please help me with it!
Video and Javascript: Map of Key Ideas with Video Followup for Each
Match your goals to your audience.
Rings: Voice Out, Support In.
Dealing with the outrage machine.
Your story has a frame.
>Original full-project video
I received feedback that this was too long, which has led to the new effort to create a table of contents.
* These are aimed a bit more at the dynamics of liking and sharing on social media, which I hope will go puzzle-piece well with the SMART guide that seems to be focused on better 1:1 conversations.