Say you want to convince people who love skiing. Who do you hire as your spokesperson? Probably a skier.

Reporters tend to be liberals — the face of what is called MSM, Mainstream Media, or Corporate Media.

The people on tv are not the people doing the hiring. The front line workers, like almost all industries, are more liberal than their bosses. And as a mix of journalism majors and Hollywood, the front line workers do tend liberal.

Most mainstream corporate media have overlapping layers that are often in contradiction:

By Stephen, 26 December, 2022
Merge Left book cover

Racism is often a communication strategy.  Ian Haney López exposes the strategy, shows why practitioners of racist politics use it, and shows how you and me can help counter it.  

By Stephen, 7 February, 2022

This, to me, was an amazing learning moment. It needed desperately to be a calling-in and not a calling-out.

People making an error and being willing to listen and agree that the other viewpoint makes more sense — that’s us at our best, and it’s a huge help to actually changing more minds.

Everyone with the same viewpoint watching her change her mind is more likely to change their mind; everyone watching us punish her for their shared viewpoint is likely to feel other’d by us. The twist to be punitive and judgmental is frightening to me.

By Stephen, 3 January, 2022
The left generally sees Trump's movement as unmoveable, I've long disagreed: imho it has always been fragile: it will never bend, given the right push it will shatter. Until it shatters, it is solid. The right wing often has conflicts: Trump voters watch these conflicts and wait to follow the new consensus. Liberals often point out hypocrisy: the obvious response from Team-Trump is to see an opposing team calling you hypocrites, calling you liars, so you give the opposing team the finger. This seriously distracts from the in-fighting.
By Stephen, 5 October, 2020

The media has difficulties countering lies. George Lakoff recommends countering lies with "Truth Sandwiches":

START. Start with the truth. MIDDLE. Indicate the lie is a lie. FINISH: End with the truth. If you don't do that, if you just repeat a slogan and say it is false, it tends to become even stickier in listener's minds.

The media also has difficulties reporting fairly in unbalanced situations. Media want to examine both sides, to be seen by viewers as having examined both sides. What if the news isn't balanced? What if one side does all the lying? When the truth is one-sided, reporters report in a heavily biased way just to look not biased. We should add a "Standards Sandwich" to the "Truth Sandwich."
